Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Same day appointments are usually available
Monday – Friday: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
No appointment necessary
To schedule an appointment, call (806) 359-4701 and tell the appointment secretary the name of the person who needs an appointment, identifying information such as date of birth and briefly, reason for visit. The appointment secretary will then verify the patient in our computer system to ensure that we have the correct patient.
Our friendly office staff answers the phone from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday and the answering service answers at all other times. We do our best to answer the phone promptly but sometimes the call volume is especially heavy-usually the first hours of the day and lunchtime, too.
You may request an appointment through the patient portal and an appointment secretary will reply with an appointment time and date.
Should you be unable to keep an appointment, please call and cancel it as early as possible so that another patient may be given that time.
Bring all your medications including Over the Counter medications or an updated list each time you come to see your physician. The list should include name, dose, and frequency of each medication. Also please bring Insurance card, method of payment, and any forms that you are requesting the physician to complete.
Amarillo Family Physicians Clinic takes pride in the service we give to our patients. Our physicians make every effort to be available to their own patients. However, should your physician be unavailable you may schedule an appointment with the Physicians Assistant, Tonia Hudson, PA-C or Nurse Practitioner Allison Bromwell, FNP-C. A Physician Assistant is trained in medical schools and is licensed by the Texas Medical Board. A Nurse Practitioner is licensed by the Texas Board of Nursing. They are trained to treat most illnesses and write prescriptions.
We encourage you to look ahead and request prescription refills during weekday office hours. If you need a prescription refill, please contact your pharmacy and have the pharmacy send us the request. This ensures the prescription is accurate and it goes to correct pharmacy. Please allow 2 business days for all refills. You must see your physician at least once a year to receive prescription refills. Please be aware that certain medical conditions may require more frequent visits throughout the year to receive medication refills.
If you are unable to contact your pharmacy for prescription refills, you may contact our message secretary. Please help us by having the following information when you call for a prescription refill: your name, the doctor you see, the exact name of prescription, dosage (milligrams, etc.), and the name and location of the pharmacy.
You may also request all medication refills on the patient portal under the medication tab by clicking “pill bottle” to bring up medication request box.
Please notify us 2 weeks prior to needing refills of medications received from Mail Order Pharmacies.
Since we have very extensive office hours, the need for calls when the office is closed should be minimal. Office staff answers the phones Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. However, should the need for an after hours call arise, we have a physician who can be reached through our answering service at (806) 359-4701. The answering service will take your message and notify the doctor on call. The doctor on call will return your call.
The doctors request that calls be limited for urgent problems and not for routine matters.
If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. Amarillo Family Physicians Clinic is not an emergency treatment facility.
Please review our privacy policy here.